
Dia das Línguas

No passado dia 18 de Abril celebrámos o Dia das Línguas na nossa escola.
Entre outras atividades, pudemos visitar a exposição dos trabalhos realizados no âmbito do concurso “Escrita Criativa”, dinamizado pelas disciplinas de Inglês e Espanhol. Os objetivos “Incentivar o uso da Língua Estrangeira através de atividades lúdicas, contribuir para o enriquecimento cultural e desenvolver o espírito crítico” foram alcançados, como se pode comprovar pela quantidade, variedade e qualidade dos trabalhos apresentados.
Os autores dos textos premiados tiveram a oportunidade de os apresentar  aos convidados presentes numa singela cerimónia realizada na Biblioteca  e fizeram um brilharete! A  aluna Clarice Costa não pôde estar presente, tendo sido representada pelas amigas Margarida Branco e Carolina.
Os participantes no concurso receberam um certificado de participação e os vencedores serão distinguidos com um prémio. Parabéns a todos.

Aqui publicamos os trabalhos dos vencedores.

 Segundo ciclo:

Speaking Animals

Listen to the birds singing
“The sky is for us
When we are flying”

Listen to the little fawn crying
“The wood is mine
When I am running”

Listen to the rabbit whispering
“Please, Earth is our home
And needs to be protected”

Listen to the wolf howling
“The Forest is yours and ours,
Trees are faithful friends
Please, take care of us”

Animals and plants ask you:
“Let the sun shine
And the rivers flow
Breathe fresh air”

“Enjoy nature
Show your love for natural habitats
Save all the species”

                                                “We are very grateful for your help"
 Clarice Costa , 5.º C3


Gonçalo Seixas , 6.º C3

Terceiro ciclo:

SOS Planet

The environment is all around us, even the air we can not see. It's our home, our greatest asset and we must take very good care of it.

Men made many changes that hurt or might have hurt the environment. We are its  worst enemy! It suffers daily the effect of several types of pollution (noise, water, air, soil ...) that can destroy the Earth's natural resources.

Human health is strongly affected by pollution. Many products we use are highly detrimental to life because they contain gases and toxic products that can be dangerous to us; forests are burnt and trees are cut up, thereby reducing the ability to recycle CO2 in oxygen. People lie waste at the ground, pollute the water, spoil the air we breathe with the smoke of factories, cigarettes and means of transport, do not save water and energy and do not make a selective waste collection.

There are several places where we can put our garbage to keep the environment clean and neat. It is very important to place garbage in ecopoints, in containers, in trash cans, in landfills and even in incinerators. It is essential that all people think about the urgent need to respect the rules of the 5 R's (recycle, reduce, reuse, responsibility and respect). Recycling turns old into new, soon reduced and reused, making it in a responsible way and showing respect for ourselves and for others, always trying to preserve the environment, essential to the health and well-being. If not, if Man does not change his attitude, the environment can be seriously affected and jeopardize our rich existence. With the air polluted we can’t breathe well. With polluted water, we have little to drink and without water we can’t survive. The polluted soil can not produce healthy food through agriculture. Polluting the planet will affect everyone. The Earth is in urgent need for help!

Caring for the environment in which we live is the responsibility of each one of us. Attitudes about environmental preservation guarantee our health and improve our quality of life. We must stop polluting the planet to have a better one… we must become responsible eco-citizens… we need to live in a clean and happy planet which is able to give us a sustainable future.

 Rafaela Mortágua, 9.ºA3

Ascensão Peixoto, colaboradora da BE 

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